Discover | 4-7 Wochen | Amerikas
Discover, USA
Discover, USA

Volunteer-Programme be­nö­tigen eine funktionie­rende, stabile Bürostruktur und eine ko­or­dinierte internationale Zu­sam­men­arbeit, um Deine Sicherheit zu gewährleisten und einen sinn­vollen Aus­lands­­aufenthalt zu organisie­ren. Für all das fallen neben den Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung auch admini­strative Kosten an.

  • Programmdauer: 4-7 Wochen (8 Wochen sind auch möglich)
  • Teilnahmebeitrag New Orleans Projekt: € 685,- Grenzenlos Programmgebühr (einmalig) plus die Programmgebühr der Partnerorganisation. 4 Wochen $ 950,- (US-Dollar); jede weitere Woche $ 200,-. Bareinzahlung der Partnerorganisation-Programmgebühr: wird vor Ort nach Anreise von Dir getätigt.
  • Teilnahmebeitrag Kanada Projekt: € 685,- (einmalig) Grenzenlos Programmgebühr; keine Programmgebühre der Partnerorganisation
  • Anreiseinfos: Keine Abholung vom Flughafen. Man bekommt eine genauere Wegbeschreibung von der Partnerorganisation
  • Anmeldung: mind. 1-2 Monate vor Abreise

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bau und Renovieren: Unterstütze die Bauprojekte und Renovierungsprojekt in New Orleans.
Bau und Renovieren, USA
Bau und Renovieren, USA
  • Umwelt- und Tierschutz, Landwirtschaft: Landwirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten und Arbeit auf (Bio-)Bauernhöfen, Sensibilisierung der lokalen Gemeinschaft für Umweltthemen.
People working in the woods
Umwelt, USA

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Discover USA – Renovierung: Lowernine, New Orleans

Lowernine New Orleans, USA

LOWERNINE.ORG, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA is a non-political, secular, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the long-term recovery of the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the levee breaches of 2005. The organization completes residential building projects so that pre-Katrina residents of the neighborhood can return to their homes.

WORK: Unskilled and experienced carpenters, roofers, plumbers, painters and other tradesmen needed for rebuilding homes in the flood-damaged Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. Unskilled volunteers will be trained by skilled staff.  All aspects of home rebuilding will be addressed, from roofing to finish carpentry.  5-day week of full work days from 8:15 AM – 4:30 PM. Volunteers provide free labor to neighborhood residents, so they can return home after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Isaac. Work can be difficult and it is hot in New Orleans! 

STUDY THEME: Carpentry, construction, community building.

ACCOMMODATION:  Housing is in dormitory style bunkrooms, and volunteers are responsible for all cleaning and cooking. No smoking in the house.  No drugs allowed. No alcohol

allowed in the house or on the property. Vegetarian meals available.

LOCATION: New Orleans, LA, 2 miles east of the French Quarter.

LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will have ample opportunity to partake of the abundant cultural offerings of the most unique

city in America on weekends and after work hours.

TERMINAL:  Louis Armstrong International Airport; Amtrak and Bus station downtown.

SPECIAL REMARKS: VFP Motivation Form required. Volunteers must have intermediate spoken and comprehension of English in order to ensure workplace safety. VFP does not provide insurance for volunteers on this project, LowerNine general liability insurance will cover volunteers only while they are working. In case of a natural disaster volunteers will be required to make their own arrangements to evacuate the city. Multiple volunteers serve at all times in this location.

Discover USA – Umwelt: Purple Raven Farm

Explore New York City, USA
Discover, USA

This year we will be building a “Green Barn” which is an experiment in northern, cold climate greenhouse heating. Our goal is to utilize a combination of sustainable greenhouse heating techniques that we can demonstrate to others in cold climate situations as a viable and attractive option while expanding our growing season and increasing our food production.
Our long-term goal here at Purple Raven Farm is to produce healthy food in ways that remain resilient under growing climatic, resource and economic pressures so that we can continue to produce food for those in need as we move into this future.

SPECIAL REMARKS: Only taking volunteers from May through October. Interview in advance

Work: We have a wide range of different projects including, Garden work, vegetable, herb and flower maintenance, wild herb harvesting, garden bed expansion building, taking care of goats, trial building, wood harvesting, building a wood shed, composting, mushroom cultivation, wood chipping, clay oven building, wild berry harvesting, rock moving, soil building.

ACCOMMODATION: A tiny house. See for more details

LOCATION: Ontario, Canada

LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Canoeing, hiking, bicycling, arts and crafts, ping pong, firepit socializing, outdoor pizza making.

TERMINAL: Ottawa or Toronto. Pick up from Cobalt, Ontario or North Bay, Ontario.